Are you afraid of dogs? This is what you should definitely not do

Fear of dogs, they call it kynophobia. Our country has more than two million dogs, so there is a good chance that you will encounter them in everyday life. But what to do if you are very afraid of dogs? Two experts explain how to overcome fear and what not to do.

The parcel deliverer who panicked and kicked a dog to death last Friday was afraid of dogs, according to his employer. Often such fear arises after something has ever happened to a dog. You have been bitten or you have been knocked over by a large dog as a toddler.

Sometimes the fear of dogs is so bad that you no longer dare to go into the woods, or avoid friends with a dog. Something can be done about such a great fear, says Lies Pestman. She is a coach and owner of Laat Los! She guides people with a fear of dogs, together with her husband Herman Pestman. He is a canine behaviorist and teaches people how to “read” dogs.

Pestman: “Dogs communicate with each other in a certain way, we teach you how they do that. This way you look at the position of the tail and the ears, you can see whether they react playfully or not.”

“When you walk in a park, a dog owner often shouts from a distance: ‘He’s not doing anything!'”

During a number of sessions, Pestman talks to people about their fear, where the fear comes from, how you are limited in daily life and how you react to a dog. In a next session there is also a dog present, she lets people have positive experiences in small steps.

Nikki Rethmeier is a biologist and founder of the Contact Dog Foundation, she has 53 dogs for therapies including fear of dogs. According to her, many dog ​​owners do not realize that dogs do not make everyone happy.

“When you walk in a park, a dog owner often shouts from a distance: ‘He’s not doing anything!’, while people are sometimes really scared. You can’t solve that by calling from a distance. There is still a lot to be gained there. may be more understanding for people with a fear of dogs.”

The experts have some tips for people who are afraid of dogs:

  • Don’t scream, that makes dogs restless and they might do unexpected things that startle you. Stay calm and quiet.
  • Don’t make any busy movements, because then a dog will think you want to play.
  • Don’t run away, because dogs like to run. Stand still. Pestman: “Turn around and be a lamppost.”
  • If a dog doesn’t know you, he doesn’t like to be looked at. You better look up.
  • Don’t wave your hands. Rethmeier: “They often expect a ball to be thrown or a candy in it. They find hands interesting.” So put them in your pockets, then nothing is expected.
Lies Pestman with one of her dogs (photo: Let Go!).
Lies Pestman with one of her dogs (photo: Let Go!).

READ ALSO: Parcel delivery driver is shocked and kicks dog to death: owners furious
