Pueyo and Postius leave the Lleida City Council after the results of 28M

Acting Mayor of Lleida, Miquel Pueyo (ERC), and the current first deputy mayor of La Paeria, Toni Postius (Together x Lleida), have announced this Tuesday morning that, after the results of last Sunday in the elections premises, in which the PSCthey will leave the Lleida consistory.

The first to announce his withdrawal was Postius at a press conference in which he explained that will not collect the act of councilorwho steps aside and leaves municipal politics.

For his part, Pueyo has summoned the media this afternoon to explain his decision, although ERC sources have already confirmed to EFE his resignation considering that the time has come to make way for those who come after him.

Both parties have formed during the last 4 years part of the government team of the Lleida Town Hall and, in the same way, they have been especially harmed in the municipal past.

Specifically, CKD it has become the third political force after the PSC and the PP, and has been left with 2 fewer councilors than in the previous elections, going from 7 to 5.

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For his part, together He lost a mayor on Sunday and also remains with 5 representatives, being the fourth political force in the Lleida consistory.

The PSC, with Felix Larrosa At the head, he was the one who won the 28M elections by obtaining 9 councilors, followed by the PP with 5, three more than in 2019.
