This is now known about Bruce Willis’ health

At the beginning of the year, Bruce Willis received the correct diagnosis of his illness.

Bruce Willis was still acting in recent years. PDO

In the spring of 2022, it was reported that the actor Bruce Willis67, is seriously ill.

According to Muistiliitto, memory disease caused by Willis’ frontotemporal degeneration, i.e. frontotemporal degeneration, is a general name for syndromes that are characterized by the deterioration of the function of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain and the resulting symptoms. Willis received the correct diagnosis earlier this year. Previously, his symptoms were only referred to as dementia.

According to the latest information, no treatment has been found for Willis’ disease. Willis’ wife Emma Hemming according to the means are very few in that disease. According to his wife, the actor’s health has deteriorated rapidly. According to his wife, Willis has challenges in, among other things, producing speech and communicating, which are typical symptoms of the disease.

Bruce Willis and daughter Scout Willis. PDO

Willis has withdrawn from the public eye and retired from acting. He only appears in social media updates posted by the family anymore. At the beginning of the year, Emma asked that the paparazzi not follow the actress on the street. He said that it is difficult to move around with someone with dementia, and yelling does not help the situation when Willis gets confused.

Rumors of Willis’ illness circulated for years in the film industry community. The actor forgot lines during filming and had a hard time remembering instructions. Willis’ illness was kept secret and his behavior sparked speculation.

The disease begins as a memory disease early on, usually between the ages of 45 and 64. Often the symptoms creep in and progress gradually. One of the most common syndromes belonging to this group of diseases is Willis’ frontotemporal dementia.

Bruce Willis photographed in February 2023.
