How Michi Beck came to white sneakers

Michi Beck (Michael Beck) in the IFA summer garden

Michi Beck (Michael Beck) in the IFA summer garden (archive photo) Photo: ped jhe

From BZ/dpa

Michi Beck from the Fantastischen Vier has a soft spot for fashion – and has had for a long time.

“When I realized in eleventh grade at high school that my school career was no longer going to work, I had fashion on my mind,” says the musician in an interview with the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” magazine.

His fashion fulfillment came to Germany with breakdance. “On the whole, I still walk around like this today: high white sneakers, training clothes and sometimes combined with other accessories,” reveals the 55-year-old from the Fantastischen Vier.


German Celebrities Die Fantastischen Vier Musik
