The Parliament postpones the replacement of Laura Borràs pending the ultimatum of the JEC

Nothing new on the front. For the second week in a row, the Central Electoral Board has decided to postpone the final decision on the seat of the suspended president of Parliament, Laura Borras. In the middle of the campaign for the municipal and regional elections in some communities, the electoral body is focusing its efforts on resolving the disputes of this process that will end next Sunday and, sources from the JEC, this Tuesday they will not analyze the Borràs case. In addition, currently, there is no forecast of new meetings throughout the week.

while, the Parliament It continues at half throttle, with the majority of deputies focused on the campaign. It will not be until next week when activity will begin to recover in the Parc de la Ciutadella, but it will be done with a full of minimums, only two days and with a single bill on the table -the historical memory-, in addition to a dozen motions and interpellations. The election of the new presidency of the Chamber is not foreseen on the agenda and it does not seem that the groups are interested in addressing the issue five days after the appointment with the polls.

In mid-April, the Board declared Borràs ineligible after being convicted of prevarication and falsehood and ordered the withdrawal of his seat. It was then that a journey of appeals and requests for precautionary measures began, which have been postponing the final execution, which will be none other than the definitive withdrawal of the act, as has already happened with the cases of Quim Torra and Pau Juvillathe latter under the presidency of Borràs herself.

The last time the JEC ruled on the Junts leader, two weeks ago, it gave Parliament five business days to report on the actions taken to withdraw the seat. And the Chamber responded that they were awaiting the resolution of the appeal filed before the Supreme Court. Even so, it is expected that the electoral body, in a next step, will send a letter to the vice president with the functions of president of the Chamber, Alba Vergesto require him to immediately withdraw the act from the Junts leader or he may incur criminal responsibilities.

New order

Thus, the calendar of the final outcome is awaiting the new order of the JEC, but -without new meetings of the electoral referee planned- the definitive withdrawal of the seat could take place after the elections and also postpone the election of the new presidency until the plenary session scheduled for mid-June. It is scheduled between the 13th and 15th, the same week that will culminate -on Saturday- with the constitution of all the town councils and the investiture of the new mayors and mayors. Therefore, the pacts of the big cities and the position of second authority in Catalonia could be made in parallel.

Related news

At the moment, there have been no negotiations between Junts and ERC to agree on the new presidency. JxCat continues to avoid the issue in public and Republican sources say that their former partners have not wanted to “not even talk” about it in private. In recent months, names have been raised such as that of the until now mayoress of Vic, anna erraor that of the Girona Martha Madrenasbut formally no one has applied.

The Borràs sentence is not yet final, but the LOREG considers that they are in a situation of supervening ineligibility -and they must lose their seat- those deputies who are convicted of crimes against the public administration, as is the case of the crime of prevarication. The Parliament’s regulation, on the other hand, only contemplates the withdrawal when the sentence has already reached the last judicial instance. Currently, the Junts leader is waiting for the Supreme Court to resolve her appeal against the judgment of the TSJC who sentenced her to 4 and a half years in prison and 13 years of disqualification for prevarication and document falsification when she directed the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes.
