Summer TV flops

for TV, summer ended earlier than the calendar indicates. Except for Telefe, which continued with products already installed, some channels opted for new content and were not successful. Given the low rating and a screen that is getting cold, they decided to reverse the trend. Quick of reflexes and lacking in patience, they shuffle and hit again, only to change the grid again in the middle of the season.

El Trece announced that it will dispense with the programs “Home Sweet Home” and “Match Game”. Although the first was a good product, in which there was a competition for who could recycle furniture and decorate better, the numbers were not enough and the directors lost their good manners: a tweet by Ángel de Brito revealed that the program was being lifted. Days before, the channel decided not to put it on the air and replace it with a movie in order to improve the rating, which was around 2.2 points. In February, Fabian Doman will return with a new magazine: “Moment D”. At the time of “Match Game”which in turn will take the schedule you vacate “Home Sweet Home”.

But “Match Game”led the comedian Agustin Aristarain, alias “Soy Rada”, also seems to have his days numbered. The channel announces the arrival of Andrea Politti with a new program, “Turno Tarde”, and the schedule would coincide with this broadcast. On January 26, “Soy Rada” said goodbye to his audience with a tweet. The program’s rating was around 3.3 points.

None of these shows convinced viewers to nap. Maria Eugenia Tobal and his “Home Sweet Home” faced novels “Sweet Ambition” -Brazilian- and “Hercai” -turca- of Telefe with averages of 9 and 8.8 points respectively. The cans meet the expectations of fans of the genre: a prima donna, injustice everywhere and a blue-eyed heartthrob.


Another summer setback for El Trece was “100 Argentines say”. Darío Barassi went on vacation and left the key to the Mercedes to others. The channel chose four personalities, one per week, to host the program. If Barassi averaged 10 rating points, his replacements in January did much less. “Dani la Chepi” made 6; Manuela Viale the same; Nazarena Di Serio achieved 5.8 points, and finally, Fede Bal finished with 5.2. The program went down in rating and the directors of the channel asked for the return of Barassi. The format is an international license, but success is the driver who laughs at everyone and is easily upset by the delays of the participants. Without Barassi, the numbers for “100 Argentinians say” were a little more than half of what he usually does.

The presentation of Florencia de la V in “Intruders” it was one of the ideas of America. On his first day at the helm of the program, he played “the surprise of the production” and was moved by an authentic “living tribute”, he cried seeing his own image and achieved 2.9 points. But the average was going down and in the last few days something changed: the driver declared that at the moment she “only stays until the end of February.” The average is lower than that of Lussich and Pallares.

De la V also presented a double program on the weekend, “La noche de la V”. There she displays his friendliness and makes her guests dance, make little trains and tell funny anecdotes. Two armchairs, a table and rowing guests. The rating has been declining: 2.1, and 1.2, points a big drop after the debut, where she averaged 3.2.

In the same sense and betting on guests who perform, the self-referential program of the couple that make up Sabrina Rojas and “Tucu” López, “Paired”. There the drivers hold hands, caress each other and waste good vibes. They encourage their guests to tell spicy, funny or bawdy situations, bordering on bad taste. The program came to measure 2.1 and in the last broadcasts it was around 1.3 rating points, low for a channel like América.


In “Moria is Moria”, Casán faces the success of Telefe, “Master Chef”, but do not compete with it. The proposal is based on the figure of him with a dose of reality, some stand up and a sentimental office attended by his own owner. The numbers seem to be enough in the case of Channel 9 and she rose to 2 points when he invited his partner Fernando “Pato” Galamarini.

Summer didn’t give time for good products broadcast at inconvenient times. There were programs with almost no production that left the responsibility for success on the driver, many barely known. The winners of the season were Channel 9, which maintained its numbers, and Telefe, which won share with tested products, keeping its screen warm with Marley and “MasterChef”.

Vacations belong to those on the other side of the screen, not on TV.

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