Aragonès reminds Sánchez that the stability of the Government is in the hands of ERC

  • He affirms that he does not plan to attend the Conference of Presidents on February 25

Pere Aragonès used the 14-F anniversary conference at the MNAC to denounce the alleged abandonment of functions by Pedro Sánchez towards the Catalan conflict. However, the echoes after the act, in the form of reproaches, come, above all, from the independence movement and, in particular, of Together. The main recipient of the MNAC conference, Pedro Sánchez, seemed, on Tuesday, not to take much notice. Faced with this, Aragonès asserted that if the current tenant of Moncloa “wants to continue in office You will have to talk to ERC again and reach agreements”. A veiled threat to present and future governability. “Sánchez already tried to find an alternative majority, due to the labor reform, and he did not it went very well & rdquor;sentenced the head of the Executiu.

Aragonès even drew a Sánchez landing strip in terms of the dialogue and negotiation table. He accepted that the forum needs time, but that progress must also be made, precisely, to give the body time. “Advances in anti-repressive matters and in the national recognition of Catalonia”. For now, the gestures of the Catalan side have finished. Thus, the ‘president’ affirmed that I had no plans to attend the next Conference of Presidents, scheduled for February 25 in La Palma, despite repeated requests from the central Executive


The ‘president’ used a good part of the interview to reply to the ‘other’ Sànchez, the general secretary of Junts. He understood from the conference that Aragonès recognized that there had been a negotiation with the State aimed at obtaining pardons for pro-independence politicians. Aragonès, in an interview on TV-3, denied having implied such a thing and denied any negotiation. “Being attacked by the media when we all have everyone’s phones it’s very rare & rdquor;pointed out the ‘president’ who claimed not to have had any direct message from Junts on the matter.

He also denied the words of Sánchez, who assured that he did not know the content of the conference in advance. Aragonès revealed that I had called him the same Monday morning to advance the axes of the intervention.

Call to Puigdemont

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Another passage from the MNAC talk motivated, in the end, a conversation between Aragonès and Carles Puigdemont. “I called him to explain that I have no intention of negotiating his judicial status, but what I asked was that his case and that of the rest of & rdquor; independence fighters residing abroad.

The conclusion of this whole episode, for the ‘president’, is that the independence movement must stop looking sideways and, already thinking about the negotiating table, he asked Junts to leave the “party trench & rdquor ;.


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