Carpet factories swing doors open during Flanders Flooring Days

Carpet factories swing doors open during Flanders Flooring Days

Companies from the carpet and flooring industry want to give a positive signal with the Flanders Flooring Days. The sector is struggling with many closures and therefore job losses. “Of course we are in a crisis that is fueled by war, inflation, the energy crisis and so on, but we are convinced that this will level out a bit in the long term, will level out a bit. And that people will feel like living with a positive attitude again, to start consuming again,” says CEO Peter Desmet of McThree Carpets from Waregem.

“Make a difference through tight delivery times”

“Customers nowadays also make decisions very late in recent months, because they are also very hesitant. And we are able to respond quickly, because we are close to our Western European and Eastern European customers. We try to make the difference with that. Customers appreciate that and are prepared to pay a higher price for it,” says Desmet.

“Higher quality”

During a visit to the factory in Waregem, customers from all over the world get to know the carpet factory. This way they can see with their own eyes how everything is produced in a sustainable way and that it works. “The quality, color and design here is better than compared to the rest of the world,” concludes Badar Al Kaffary from Saudi Arabia.
