Olympic Games 2036 to Berlin? We should choose!

By Gunnar Schupelius

The games are of great importance for mass sport, so the Olympics should finally come back to Germany and Berlin, says Gunnar Schupelius.

With the new Senate coalition of the CDU and SPD, the question is open again: Should Berlin apply to host the Olympics? The games are taken until 2032, so the year 2036 or 2040 is possible.

The red-green-red Senate had demanded that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) “fundamentally reform its award guidelines” so that Berlin could apply “with a sustainable concept without gigantism”. The IOC did not react to this, and an application was excluded from the outset.

It sounds different now in the contract between the CDU and SPD: “The coalition confirms its willingness for Berlin to be available as a venue (…) for the Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games in Germany.”

The federal government supports the idea. Home Secretary Nancy Faeser said: “In general, I think it would be the right step for us to apply again for the Olympic Games. I promote it very strongly.” But despite this great support, the debate does not get going: Would it be a good or bad decision for Berlin to hold the Olympics here?

Once upon a time, applying for the Olympics was a matter of honor, and the prospect filled people with pride and great expectations. In the meantime, however, the delivery is predominantly viewed as a problem. In this regard, Germany is much more provincial than it used to be and less international.

This was evident in the preparations for the application for the 2022 Winter Games in Munich and the 2024 Summer Games in Hamburg. In both cases, the citizens turned against it in a referendum and as a result there was no application at all.

The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) then changed its strategy. Now the cities and regions should no longer apply themselves. Instead, they are proposed by the general meeting of the DOSB. The decision on this should be made at the end of 2023. The population should be involved in the plans. How exactly remains unclear.

In Berlin in particular, a lot of persuasion work still needs to be done. Here the application for “Olympia 2000” failed due to the resistance of radical left-wing groups. A distorted picture emerged, as if Berlin could not host the games.

That was not true then and will not be true in the future either. Berlin is of course the host of major sporting events, this year for the Special Olympics, next year for UEFA Euro 2024, for the marathon anyway. Of course, this city can also accommodate Olympia. The games are of great importance for mass sport, which also plays an important role for us. Why should our athletes always travel abroad?

Australia will host the 2032 Summer Games for the third time (Brisbane), after Sidney (2000) and Melbounre (1956), Germany last had them 51 years ago (Munich/Kiel). Berlin should decide for 2036 or 2040 and now.

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