Discover the keys to transport your dog in the car without breaking traffic regulations

05/21/2023 at 18:19


So you can travel with your best friend without risking their health or that of other users

These types of trips can be wonderful experiences

Traveling with our pets in the car can be a wonderful experience, as long as it is done safely and in compliance with the rules. It is essential to guarantee the comfort and well-being of our pets during the journey.

The General direction of traffic (DGT) provides us with fundamental guidelines to do it correctly and without committing infractions:

  1. Before leaving, it is essential to make sure that have the appropriate documentation for the animalincluding an updated health card or Passport for Domestic Animals if traveling within the European Union.
  2. Traffic regulations establish that animals must be properly secured in the vehicle to avoid interference with driving. It is advisable to use appropriate restraint systems, such as harnesses with one or two anchors, carriers on the floor or trunk, or rigid racks for the trunk, depending on the size and characteristics of the animal. This prevents the dog from moving freely and improves the safety of both the animal and the occupants of the vehicle.
  3. If the dog is small in size, the carrier can be placed on the floor of the vehicle. On the other hand, for large dogs, it is preferable to place the carrier in the trunk, in a transversal position to the direction of travel, combining it, if possible, with a dividing grid for greater safety.

The DGT emphasizes that you should never carry the dog in your arms and warns about the risks of leaving the animal inside the car in high temperatures. In addition, it is recommended to put the leash before leaving the vehicle and, in case of dizziness, consult the veterinarian to prevent discomfort during the trip.
