Bursaspor Tuzlaspor : 0-1 | MATCH RESULT – Last minute TFF 1st League news

In the 25th week of Spor Toto 1st League, Bursaspor lost 1-0 against Tuzlaspor in the field.


Samet Asatekin shot from about 35 meters in the 2nd minute. Bursaspor goalkeeper Erhan Erentürk took the ball into the corner at the last moment.
Joao Pedro, who made good use of the mistake of Tuzlaspor’s defense in the 9th minute and caught the ball, felt the goal from about 30 meters. The ball went auta from the top.
In the 16th minute, Burak Altıparmak put the ball to Namiq Alasgarov, who was in the penalty area, as soon as he pressed the ball. Namiq, who was in front of the goal, could not be injured from the absolute goal position when the ball was one step behind him.
In the 25th minute, Ezeh sent the ball to the goal from outside the penalty area after dribbling for a long time. With the intervention of the defense, the ball went to the corner from the side of the goal.
In the 47th minute, Ezeh saw the goal after his consecutive feints. His hard hit narrowly went away.
Tuğbey Akgün, who hung well into the penalty area in the 59th minute, controlled the ball despite falling to the ground and dribbled the goalkeeper and sent the ball to the goal. However, the defense prevented the absolute goal by interfering with the ball in front of the goal.
In the 84th minute, Yusuf Türk’s shot from inside the penalty area went wide over the goal.
In the 87th minute, Ezeh saw that goalkeeper Erhan Erentürk was ahead from about 40 meters and sent the ball into the net with a smooth shot. 0-1
90+1. Yusuf Türk, who met the ball in front of the castle, threw the ball out from the left of the castle.


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