Most juicy RTL Boulevard in ages is TV hit: ‘Yvonne keeps us sharp’

RTL Boulevard was suddenly as juicy as all those juice channels on the internet yesterday. The arrests of Lil ‘Kleine and Glennis Grace were discussed in a smooth way and people watched en masse.

© RTL Boulevard

Normally RTL Boulevard is not the place to be if something exciting is going on with a well-known Dutchman and you want to know all the ins and outs. Today, the internet’s juice channels lead the way when it comes to burning firsts and juicy details; the TV viewer does not even get half of it.

Yvonne at the desk

Is Boulevard changing course now? Yvonne Coldeweijer, the grande dame of juice journalism, suddenly appeared at the desk yesterday. Right next to Bridget Maasland, about whom she spread the gossip last year that she is disgusted by Nikkie Plessen. The reason for her arrival was her firsts about the misbehavior of Lil ‘Kleine and Glennis Grace.

In her signature way, Yvonne spoke at length about the latest misbehavior of both Voice coaches. The face that Luuk Ikink made when she posited with certainty that Glennis’s son immediately started to ‘ram into’ a Jumbo employee when he was approached for smoking a cigarette: this is new for Boulevard.

Aran at the Jumbo

Boulevard has fallen asleep a lot in recent years. You didn’t hear all these details about the stars there anymore; you had to go to the internet for that. But now the program seems to have awakened from its years of hibernation. Boulevard was just entertaining to watch yesterday, and not just thanks to showbiz hyena Yvonne Coldeweijer.

Aran Bade also made an entertaining contribution. First he stood in front of the police station where both Glennis and Lil ‘Kleine are locked up, later he suddenly turned up in front of the Jumbo where Glennis and her thugs have wreaked havoc. Bystanders were allowed to tell Aran what a terrible fishy bitch they think Glennis is.

Boulevard sharper

In the evening, Aran admitted to Beau’s talk show table: under pressure from all those juice channels, Boulevard goes a step further. “I think we are now forming an opinion a little earlier about what happened in that Jumbo, for example. I think that means we are pushing the boundaries a bit more of what you can and cannot show.”

Due to all kinds of journalistic principles, the brakes were often very tight at Boulevard, according to Aran. Now they rumble more against the juice channels. “We also work together, don’t we, from time to time, Yvonne? She also stood at our desk. It is your low threshold that makes people report to you. (…) Yes, it certainly keeps us on our toes.”

Angela responds

Angela de Jong has a whole one today column dedicated to. “There was a triumphant smile on her face throughout the broadcast. And don’t blame Yvonne Coldeweijer. It was also a historic moment. She, from the maligned juice channel Life of Yvonne, had the large RTL Boulevard on its knees.”

After years of obeying befriended colleagues and irritated bosses, you see Boulevard turning according to Angela. “RTL Boulevard now seems to realize that it is lagging behind and has to take an extra step.”

Many more viewers

All in all, RTL Boulevard was a hit with ratings yesterday: with 1.2 million viewers (27% market share), the show section was the fifth program of the evening. In comparison: compared to last Monday, Boulevard is gaining almost twenty percent in viewers. The beaten to death by Natacha Harlequin Show news? 378,000 people watched it.

Also the winners in prime time: those were Radar (1.4 million) and Studio Peking (979 thousand) on NPO 1, Help My Man Is Klusser (974 thousand) on RTL 4, VI ​​Today (849 thousand) on SBS 6 and Hunted VIPS (765 thousand) on NPO 3.

Viewing figures

Programs that did not reach the top fifteen ratings include Beau (718 thousand), URK! (654 thousand), Nieuwsuur (593 thousand), Hart van Nederland (524 thousand), First Dates (517 thousand), HLF8 (299 thousand), Big Brother (302 thousand) and Deal or no Deal (257 thousand).

The viewing figures of Monday 14 February 2022 (SKO

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 2,293,00001. NPO1 / 29.5%
02. Half past seven news (RTL4) 1,550,00002. RTL4 / 17.3%
03. Radar (NPO1) 1,359,00003. SBS6 / 10.1%
04. News 18:00 (NPO1) 1,350,00004. NPO2 / 8.2%
05. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 1.160.00005. NPO3 / 4.9%
06. EenVandaag (NPO1) 1,152,00006. RTL5 / 2.9%
07. Beijing Today (NPO1) 1,116,00007. RTL7 / 2.5%
08. Studio Beijing (NPO1) 979.00008.NET5/ 2.4%
09. Help my husband is a handyman (RTL4) 974.00009. Vero / 2.2%
10. Good times bad times (RTL4) 900.00010. BBC / 1.6%
11. VI Today (SBS6) 849,00011. Discov / 1.5%
12. Edition NL (RTL4) 845.00012. RTL8 / 1.4%
13. Op1 (NPO1) 834.00013. TLC / 1.4%
14. Hunted VIPS (NPO3) 765,00014.ID / 1.0%
15. Time for MAX (NPO1) 719,00015. N.geog / 0.9%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 42.6%
02. RTL Netherlands 25.2%
03. Talpa TV 15.1%


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