Sarkozy appeal against prison sentence dismissed – one year shackle

PARIS (Reuters) – France’s ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy has failed in his appeal against a three-year prison sentence.

The Court of Appeal in Paris on Wednesday upheld a 2021 verdict on bribery and trading in influence. In line with this, the sentence is suspended for two years. The 68-year-old has to wear an electronic ankle bracelet for a year instead of going to prison. Sarkozy’s legal team announced that it would appeal the verdict before the Supreme Court. Sarkozy is innocent.

In 2021, a lower court ruled that Sarkozy had tried to bribe a judge in 2014, after he had left the presidency. He is also said to have used his influence to obtain confidential information about investigations into the financing of his 2007 election campaign. Sarkozy, who was president from 2007 to 2012, has always denied the allegations.

(Report by Tassilo Hummel, written by Christian Rüttger. Edited by Christian Götz. If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at [email protected] (for politics and the economy) or [email protected] (for companies and markets).)
