More relaxation in education | news item

News item | 15-02-2022 | 19:30

The relaxation of the corona measures, which the cabinet has decided today, also applies to education. A large part of the measures will be canceled for primary and secondary education, MBO institutions, colleges and universities. The cabinet chooses to introduce the relaxation in steps; the first part will start on Friday 18 February and the second on Friday 25 February.

Relaxation of primary and secondary education as of February 18:

  • Schools no longer have to spread the breaks over the various groups and walking routes within the school can be abandoned.
  • Collaboration is allowed again between different groups within a school (no more cohorting at class/group level). As a result, students will meet each other more often and they can learn more from each other.
  • Furthermore, parents and caregivers and other external parties (with a mouth cap and at 1.5 meters) are allowed to go back into school, making it easier to bring to school. They can also go to open days again.
  • The advice to work from home is already being relaxed, which means that physical team meetings are possible again immediately.

Relaxation of MBO and Ho as of February 18:

  • For senior secondary vocational education and higher education, the maximum group size of 75 people in one room is no longer applicable.

No mouth caps as of February 25th

The mask obligation will expire on Friday 25 February, also in the school or educational institution. From that moment on, the advice to keep a distance in education will also expire.

Basic rules and self-tests remain

The basic rules continue to apply, also in education. That means washing hands, coughing and sneezing in the elbow, not shaking hands, testing with complaints and staying home after a positive test. In addition, the urgent advice to do a preventive self-test twice a week remains in force for educational staff and pupils/students from group 6 in primary, secondary school, senior secondary vocational education and higher education.

Good ventilation continues to be important

It is also important to ventilate well in the classroom. Schools, teachers and municipalities that need help and advice about ventilation in primary and secondary education can contact the number 0800-0224402 and the website A support team of experts can also be called in via the telephone number.

entry point

Consultations with the various parties in primary and secondary education show that relaxations can best start on a Monday, so that a new school week starts with new rules. Schools and educational institutions can choose to introduce the relaxation at school on the Monday after the national measures are relaxed. For the release of the contact-limiting measures, this means that those relaxations will take effect no later than Monday 21 February. The other measures will take effect on Monday 28 February at the latest.


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