sound alarm ten (!) times during live broadcast

The TV program Shownieuws was completely disrupted last night by a loud alarm that went off no less than ten (!) times during the live broadcast on SBS 6. “What do people hear at home?!”

© SBS 6

About twelve minutes after the start of the broadcast, the misery for Shownieuws started last night. While Frits Huffnagel is speaking, a very loud alarm suddenly sounds. It leads to shocked reactions from the experts present. “Well, for the time being we will continue”, says Evert Santegoeds.

Fire alarm?

Frits wonders if it might be a fire alarm. “It’s hot, but uhhh…”

Presenter Manuel Venderbos: “An alarm is now going off here in the studio. I don’t know exactly what it is.”

Colleague Ronald Molendijk: “I think the Dutch public is saying: enough Eurovision!”

While Manuel tries to keep going, Patty Brard remarks: “I’d go to an instart if I were you.”

Dik Voormekaar Show

At a certain point the alarm sounds even more urgent. “They are getting really angry now,” says Evert.

During a video, the experts can accidentally still be heard by the viewer. “Guys, this can’t be right?”, it sounds.

Manuel: “What can be heard from this?”

Frits: “What can you hear from this at home?”

Evert: “Yes, everything.”

Ronald shortly afterwards: “I just talk through it. It doesn’t interest me at all anymore.”

Evert: “It is like the De Dik Voormekaar Show that we are working on.”


Shouldn’t the experts just run out of the studio? Manuel: “About that alarm: if it still goes off or not, at least I understand that it is not life-threatening, but we will continue.”

Evert: “Normally we are false, but now the alarm is there.”

Then Manuel comes up with an Op1 imitation: “There is someone here bleeding on the floor.”

Advertising break

In the end, Shownieuws is forced to start the advertising break much earlier than usual. Manuel: “Well, that fantastic alarm is still there. We’re going to find out what’s going on and I’d love to see you soon. “

After the break: “Welcome back to Shownieuws. We’re still alive, so we’ll just keep going.”

Evert: “It was quiet for a while the last few minutes.”

Manuel: “It was quiet for a while, but just ten seconds before this tune started, he was back. We just keep going.”
