Yvonne Coldeweijer scolded by in-laws Rob Kemps

Yvonne Coldeweijer has been abused by the brand new parents-in-law of Rob Kemps, who has abandoned his wife and young children for his background dancer.

© YouTube, RTL

The image of Rob Kemps was already under pressure because he performs absolutely nothing on SBS 6, but now that he has also left his wife and young children to run off with his backup dancer, many people are done with him. Jordi Versteegden finds it clumsy from a PR point of view, Angela de Jong finds it all very cliché.

Fame and money

That dancer is now officially his new girlfriend, Yvonne Coldeweijer knows. According to her, it’s about Stephanie Clover, the sister of actress Melody Klaver. “Ex Miriam is completely devastated,” she wrote this week. “She had a suspicion before, but until recently Rob has always denied it. Now he has finally admitted it to her.”

Rob now also sleeps at Stephanie’s house in Vinkeveen, the juice queen tells her juice channel. “According to well-known spies in the background dance world, Stephanie is known to do anything to move up the ranks. Colleagues from the profession claim that she would always be out for fame and money. That will be a bit…”


Rob and Stephanie are no longer hiding. They were spotted sailing this weekend in Vinkeveen. “Together with Stephanie’s mother and stepfather, who not only cursed me in my DM, but also tell the whole village that their daughter has finally hooked up with a celebrity,” Yvonne writes today.

She continues: “The fact that it was at the expense of a family with two small children does not seem to interest these people. Nice sailing through Vinkeveen, all shame gone.”

Huge parents

Scolded by those parents? Sounds like very ordinary people. Well, according to a spy of Yvonne, that is also the case: “That whole family is not on track and is extremely vulgar. I don’t understand what a level-headed and intelligent guy like Rob wants to do with her. Probably not about the content.”

Yvonne then: “He tells himself that he is in love with the background dancer, so that he feels less guilty that he has let his family down.”

Classic fool

Yvonne fills in The Juice Show that she is disappointed in Rob. “Rob has sunk so low. What are you doing? You think with your penis, you have to think with your brain. Why are you so distracted? And we make light of it, but that girl, that Miriam, she’s completely through it. What a letdown.”

According to her, Rob is one classic fool. “It’s a stupid mistake that everyone makes the moment they get out if they make too much money or get too much power, then they just start doing stupid things. They can no longer keep thinking sharply about what is real and what is fake.”

She continues: “He just left his baby and toddler for that girl. Oh how embarrassing, Rob. I don’t know anyone who has ruined his image in six months.”
