Day of the family and falling birth rate, the FragilItalia Report

ORToday, May 15, on the International Day of the Family, the FragilItalia report Family. Perception, role and crisis factors. The challenge of falling birth rate. A report prepared by Legacoop and Ipsos Studies Area which focuses primarily on what do Italians mean by the term family. If the important issues that gravitate around this word are known, from rainbow families to declining births, some beliefs and desires may come as a surprise.

The family is the union of two people, even of the same sex

For example, that for 64% (71% of women, 56% of men) the family is a union between two people who decide to live together to pursue a common life project, whether they are of different sexes or of the same sex. An answer that reflects the times.

A more “traditional” vision, which conceives it only as the union between a man and a woman united in civil or religious marriage, is the prerogative of 22% (32% in the islands, 27% in the working class).

Regarding the most important functions of the family, 49% indicate thechildren’s education (55% for men). 47% the support and mutual aid among its members and 44% psychological support to make the members feel accepted and protected (53% for women).

Giorgia Meloni on the birth rate:

Marriage: for 7 out of 10 the foundation of the family

It may also come as a surprise that the union underlying the family for 7 out of 10 respondents (71%, up 6 percentage points from two years ago) should be sanctioned by marriage. The threat to the emotional foundations of this union? For more than 8 out of 10 Italians, they come from selfishness, lack of communication, difficulty in assuming responsibility, inability to face sacrifices and adapt to others. Compared to 2 years ago, the weight of communication difficulties, insecurity, lack of planning, work commitments and loss of social status has decreased. The desire for new experiences and greater individual freedom is growing.

Fall in births and desire to have children: 7 out of 10 want at least 2

On the highly topical issue of the decline in births, or declining birth rates (a problem perceived as urgent by 74% of Italians): for more than 7 out of 10 Italians, the main causes are low wages, job insecurity, lack of public support for the costs of raising children, the lack of widespread services accessible to all. What is perhaps surprising is the desire to have children, clearly expressed also by young people: 7 out of 10 would like at least two. Nearly a third three or more.

These are the results of an analysis conducted on a representative sample of the population.

