Fouad was shot in the head five times: 15 years in prison demanded on appeal

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) wants Seyed K. from Eindhoven to spend fifteen years in prison for shooting 34-year-old Fouad Rashidi. That is the same sentence that the defendant received from the court and against which he appealed.

In 2019, the OM asked for a prison sentence of 13 years, but the judges gave fifteen years. That was reason for Seyed to appeal.

Rashidi was shot dead on September 8, 2018 in a car in the Sionstraat in Eindhoven. He was behind the wheel when he was shot five times in the head.

The suspect and Rashidi knew each other. The victim had an office in the business premises of the suspect, which sold cars. Rashidi was in the automotive paint business. They may have had a conflict, but it was never clear about what.

Seyed still denies being the shooter, but there were several witnesses to the public road shooting. That is also the reason why the judges gave fifteen years in prison in 2019, the maximum sentence for manslaughter. The suspect could also have hit bystanders.

Impact on family
The Advocate General reflected in the courtroom on Monday on the impact that the shooting had had. “The young life of the victim came to an end very suddenly due to gun violence. The world of his parents, brothers, sister and partner has completely collapsed. He was the youngest in the family and visited his parents every day. He loved to cook for them and spoil them with delicacies he brought. Life is hard for them now.”

After Fouad’s death, all joy in life has disappeared from the family, according to the OM. “The suspect is responsible for this, but maintains his innocence.”

According to the Public Prosecution Service, there is enough evidence, apart from the witness statements. Investigations showed that he was the last person to have had telephone contact with the victim. His DNA was also on three bullet casings found near the car and he had the victim’s blood on his shoes.


Fouad Rashidi (34) was shot in the head five times: 13 years in prison demanded for ‘cold-blooded act’

Fighter shot several times in the head in front of young children: 15 years in prison
