‘Gijs Groenteman ground into sleeping pills after death!’

Jan Slagter lashes out at the man who has mercilessly ridiculed him for a season: Gijs Groenteman. “When he’s a hundred and dead, they’ll make sleeping pills out of it!”


Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen ridiculed Jan Slagter for an entire season in their TV program Media Inside. But now the big boss of Omroep MAX is hitting back hard. In the talk show Jinek, he joins critics who say that Gijs and Marcel only work for SBS 6 for the money.

“Fill right!”

Jan wonders whether the duo Gijs and Marcel will work as a summer replacement for Today Inside. “They are BNNVARA boys and he works for the NTR, Groenteman. And now to SBS. Look, I have the idea, and I understand that very well, that they are now taking what they can get,” he says at the table at Jinek.

Gerard Joling: “Let’s talk, fill the right: that’s always the case!”

Jan: “Yes, well, good. Those are your words. Haha. I think now they just take whatever they can get. Those gentlemen simply go home with perhaps 40 to 50 thousand euros a month.”

Gerard: “So.”

sleeping pills

Jan thinks that the SBS viewer does not feel like this at all. “I don’t think the SBS 6 audience is the same audience that normally watches them on NPO 3. We’ll see. I hope so for them.”

What does he think of Gijs? “It might be a good interviewer, but I think he’s a bit monotonous. I once said: when he is a hundred and dead, they make sleeping pills out of it.”

He concludes: “I really don’t care. I really wish them the greatest success at SBS 6, but it is a reason for me to go to bed early.”

‘Everything for sale’

Jan is by no means the only one who suspects Gijs and Marcel of going for the money. “Of course it has long been known: everything can be bought with money, but that the canal belt would be for sale so quickly…”, says Harry Vermeegen in his opinion channel.

Bastiaan Ragas tweets that Gijs and Marcel will not only fill the gap of VI. “Hahaha they mainly fill something else…”

Columnist Jan Dijkgraaf is surprised column about the gentlemen wanting to become colleagues of Peter Gillis, and Eddy Zoëy also thinks that John de Mol’s deep pockets play a role. In RTL Boulevard: “He has plenty of money.”


Marcel shrugs it off, he says in the podcast Another Day. “To be honest, I don’t really care what people think. I don’t do this for the money, I just like to look in a different kitchen for once.”

Gijs: “Do we actually get money for it? Has money been negotiated yet? I actually don’t even know that at all.”

Marcel: “I don’t know either. Well, amounts are being transferred and I honestly think it’s all good.”

He promises not to drive a sports car. “No not at all. A Tesla at most.”
