Millions of euros for Kanaalpark, which must connect the Dijk and Waard nature reserves

A large landscape park along the Canal will connect the nature reserves of Langedijk and Heerhugowaard. Almost a year and a half after the start of the merging municipality of Dijk en Waard, the municipal executive has come up with this plan, which includes no fewer than forty projects. The park must become the ‘breathing space’ for Dijk and Waarders, with lots of greenery, room for meeting places and good cycling, walking and sailing connections.

If it is up to the municipal council, every Dijk and Waarder will know where the Kanaalpark is next year. The park around the Canal Alkmaar Omval-Kolhorn, between bicycle bridge De Krul and railway bridge Bolbrug, will become the green heart of the municipality.

And that is necessary, says alderman Nils Langedijk to media partner Dike and Waard Central. Because where many houses are built close together, there must also be room for greenery. “We want to build tens of thousands of homes in the coming years and that includes facilities. And a large landscape park in the middle of the municipality is also part of that.”

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The ‘Channel Park Program Plan’ includes a total of forty smaller projects such as bridges over the canal and the provincial road N242, but also a meeting place for young people, various hiking trails and a ferry across the canal. By 2030, approximately 25 of the 40 projects must have been completed.

6.5 million euros

There is a price tag attached to that. Alderman Langedijk thinks about 6.5 million euros. “The Kanaalpark stands for more biodiversity and a healthy living environment for people. This park must become the connection between the Geestmerambacht, the Groene Loper, the Park of Luna and the Oosterdel.”

Various current affairs have been included in the project, such as the renovation of the lock in Broek op Langedijk and dog off-leash areas in the Broekhorn district. “We recently launched many separate projects, but we lacked the cement between them. If we want to be one Dijk and Waard, then we have to do more to connect Langedijk and Heerhugowaard.”

The 6.5 million euros needed for the plan will be discussed in the city council in mid-July.
