Minister Demir is against LEZ exception for De Lijn: “Government must set a good example” | Interior

An exception for De Lijn so that the transport company can avoid massive fines for violations in low-emission zones from 2026 is not a good idea, according to Flemish Minister of the Environment Zuhal Demir. “You cannot expect citizens to adapt and then drive polluting buses in a LEZ themselves,” said Minister Demir in the Flemish Parliament to questions from Stijn Bex (Groen) and Karin Brouwers (CD&V).

Emission-free public transport in the cities in 2025. That was the ambition in the Flemish coalition agreement, but according to director-general of De Lijn Ann Schoubs, it will not succeed. She said that earlier and repeated it in March in a conversation with ‘Gazet van Antwerpen’. To achieve the ambition, 70 percent of the fleet would have to be replaced by 2025. The (charging) infrastructure is also not ready.

At the same time, there is the problem of low-emission zones (LEZ). According to the planned LEZ rules, Euro 6 buses will no longer be allowed to enter Ghent and Antwerp from 2026. According to Schoubs, this could lead to an estimated 30 million euros in fines per year for De Lijn.

“Not a good proposal”

Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters previously stated that she wants to do everything she can to avoid those fines. “I would much rather invest the 30 million euros in e-buses and other greening projects than in fines for entering an LEZ,” says Peeters. The Open Vld minister called the current LEZ plan “not a good proposal”. She said she was talking to competent colleague Zuhal Demir.

The N-VA minister would like to stick to the promises in the coalition agreement. That is why, according to her, it is “not obvious” to provide an LEZ exception for De Lijn. According to her, the government should also “set a good example”. “Provide an exception for the buses and not for the citizens, that does not apply,” she said in parliament.

While coalition partner CD&V, through Karin Brouwers, suggests to postpone the timing for public transport if necessary, Minister Demir insists on the agreements on improving air quality. “I implement what is included in the coalition agreement. Environmental policy is also preventive health policy,” he said. “I want to know what the problem is exactly, what the possible solutions are and I will discuss this with my colleague (Minister Peeters, ed.)”, said Minister Demir.
