Ayuso invites Mañueco to form a government “regardless of what the left thinks”


Act at 09:59


Waiting for the PP of Castile and Leon start talks with all the parties to form a government, the party is divided on how to deal with the policy of pacts and, more specifically, its relationship with Vox. Isabel Díaz Ayuso made her position clear this morning at an informative breakfast in Madrid in which she accompanied the Minister of Education and her spokesperson, Enrique Ossorio: “That we do not care what the left thinks of our pacts & rdquor;. The advice to Mañueco (which was also a message for Génova, convinced to open a path of negotiation with local parties such as Soria ¡Ya! and Por Ávila to avoid the support of Vox) did not end there: “I hope there is a government of great of interests and that we know seek with other parties what unites us& rdquor ;, settled.

as posted The Newspaper of Spainsome territories like Madrid and also leaders of Castilla y León question the strategy proposed by the national leadership since the electoral night and that goes through adding support from these provinces and forcing the abstention of Vox. These sectors of the party are convinced that “sooner or later” It will be necessary to understand Vox in the community and that the PP must assume the 13 attorneys who place them as a third force. The same leaders remember that it is not only the investiture, but budgets and a government for four years that will need support.

Ayuso did celebrate that Castilla y León “has shielded itself against the sanchista project & rdquor ;, referring to the victory of the PP. In their environment they do not hide that the result was “insufficient & rdquor; and that it did not cover the objectives of the party, which until two weeks before had been counting on touching the absolute majority. It is another of the reproaches launched in Castilla y León to Genoa: having inflated expectations too much.

The president of the Community of Madrid recognized “tranquility & rdquor; with the results thinking of a right-wing and center-right government, because “socialism is very expensive & rdquor ;, she said, “and” the bill of having a neighbor governed by the PSOE and Podemos would have been very expensive & rdquor ;. “They do not know how to manage and they are only based on the grievance with Madrid & rdquor ;, she said.


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