Three goals in eight minutes: Eintracht celebrates an important win against Sandhausen

Status: 08.05.2023 00:00

Eintracht Braunschweig celebrated an important 2-1 (0-0) in the basement duel against SV Sandhausen on Sunday (May 7th, 2023) and extended the lead over the relegation place to five points in the 2nd Bundesliga.

Sandhausen remains bottom of the table after the defeat. Saulo Decarli (82′) and Anton Donkor (89′) scored for Braunschweig, Aleksandr Zhirov (88′) had equalized in the meantime.

  • To the live ticker: Braunschweig against Sandhausen
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  • 31st matchday
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“The first disappointment is huge, because we didn’t have to or weren’t allowed to lose the game. We had a number of standards, but we didn’t do enough with them.”said Sandhausen’s head coach Gerhard Kleppinger.

The emotional state of Braunschweig coach Michael Schiele was not surprising: “It was a nerve-wracking 90 minutes. We’re happy that we kept three points here. At the beginning you could see that we were nervous. In the end we were perhaps the happier winners, but we worked hard.”

Sandhausen better in the first half

The game between the two opponents in the table basement started energetically, Sandhausen had the first two good chances through Kemal Ademi and Alexander Esswein (9th/10th). The hosts also became dangerous after about 20 minutes, but Anthony Ujah headed wide.

Both teams were offensive. But neither Maurice Multhaup on the one hand nor Ademi on the other were able to take advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves. The guests from Sandhausen were the slightly better team before the break.

Eintracht countered equalization immediately

After the change of sides, the game initially flattened out. For a quarter of an hour, the flow of the game was disrupted by many fouls. Both Eintracht and SVS wanted to make the crucial mistake. Opportunities were now scarce.

But then a crazy final phase started: After a corner, Jannis Nikolaou headed it straight into the middle, where Decarli scored the ball in the goal on the second try. Six minutes later, Sandhausen also equalized with a header – Zhirov converted a cross from the left. The joy of the guests only lasted 72 seconds: Donkor exploded the stadium again and shot Eintracht to victory.

Braunschweig in Fürth, Sandhausen against Rostock

At the start of the 32nd matchday, SV Sandhausen welcomes FC Hansa Rostock (Friday, May 12th, 2023 at 6.30 p.m.). A day later, Braunschweig is challenged away from Greuther Fürth (1 p.m.).
