“I can’t leave it like this”

Nora Tschirner defends herself against statements by the production company Constantin that she did not speak up earlier because of concerns about occupational safety and health. In a new post on Instagram, she even shared a screenshot that, according to her own statements, shows a message to a producer.

Constantin boss explains: Nora Tschirner “never came to me in all those years”

The boss of the production company Constantin, Martin Moszkowicz, had in one Interview with the FAZ recently taken a position on the allegations against Til Schweiger. He takes the allegations very seriously – Constantin has a code of conduct and alcohol on the set is prohibited. Nevertheless, Moszkowicz also hinted that, to his knowledge, Nora Tschirner had never previously commented on misconduct. Tschirner “never came to me in all those years and said: The conditions at Constantin Film are so unbearable that I no longer want to work here.”

She, on the other hand, recently claimed in an Instagram video that much of what industry colleagues had recently addressed publicly in view of the allegations against Til Schweiger was actually true.

Nora Tschirner: “It’s not true that I never said anything”

The boss gives the impression that she “goes in and out” – “you know each other, you appreciate each other, you hang out, something like that.” In fact, she has hardly had any contact with the company in recent years – only recently joint work resumed. “I’m currently shooting with the Constantin and after the first day of shooting I wrote a comprehensive message to the producer and expressed myself critically.” To support her statement, Nora Tschirner even shared a chat history that she had recently sent to a Constantin producer . Apparently, there have been problems with working conditions. Apparently, this was not forwarded to the boss Martin Moszkowicz.

Nora Tschirner hopes that the allegations can lead to a constructive debate about occupational safety measures in the film industry – “and perhaps our fundamental attitude towards work and togetherness”.
