Coronation of Charles IIIl: the yawn of little prince Louis

Noyet the solemnity of an occasion such as the coronation of his grandfather, King Charles III, served to appease little Prince Louis, who did not help but get noticed with a few whims. And while the brother and sister have shown that they are already full-fledged royals in their behavior in public, Louis drove mum Kate to despaircoming out with a long yawn in the middle of the ceremony, which all the cameras present focused on.

The yawn of Prince Louis at the Coronation of Charles III

He had already done it last year, on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, with squeals and pranks that William and Kate, and even grandfather Carlo had struggled to contain. But this time, at the entrance to the abbey, Louis – just turned 5 and sitting in the front row with his parents, the Princes of Wales, and his little sister Charlotte – he had given the impression of having grown, and not just in height, greeting the crowd at the entrance with a certain maturity and sitting down without making a fuss. Instead, shortly after the beginning of the sacred rite, he immediately began to squirm.

The patience of Kate Middleton, helped by Charlotte

For more than an hour, mother Kate, noticing her third son’s growing agitation, patiently tried to calm him down without showing it too much. And at different times too little sister Charlotte, 8 years old and seated with commendable composure between Louis and his father William, he had tried to distract his little brother, reminding him of the importance of the occasion.

The coronation of grandfather Carlo? How boring for little Louis!

However, the two hours of songs, speeches and sacred ceremonies proved too long and heavy for little prince Louis. Which after starting to fuss a little too much he was even made to go away for a short break with his nanny. Only to start yawning immediately upon his return, even during the chorus of God Save The KingGod save the kingat the end of the function.

Prince Louis in a carriage with his parents, brother George and sister Charlotte after the Coronation in Westminster, May 6, 2023 (Getty Images)

Prince George, an example of composure

In reverse, Prince George – who had been entrusted with the role of page of honour, page of honour He didn’t miss a move. At just 9 years old and in the company of three other pageboys, she kept the train of Charles III’s royal mantle during the solemn processions in Westminster, following a very complicated but well-tested “choreography” after months of rehearsals.

The coronation of King Charles: the crown, the sceptres and the great emotion of the sovereign

Heir George will have thought about his future

In uniform from Page of Honor red, with white lace, George – second in line to the throne – has shown that, despite his very young age, he is already fully aware of his destiny, of the solemnity and of the deep meaning of the occasion. Because one day he himself will be the protagonist of his coronation.

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