Spain continues to be the leader in beaches with blue flags despite the coastal regression

05/04/2023 at 12:45 PM


The Valencian Community maintains the leadership, with 153, followed by Andalusia, with 148 ‘Blue Flags’, Galicia, with 125 badges, and Catalonia, with 120

Spain has obtained a total of 729 ‘Blue Flags (627 beaches, 97 marinas and five tourist boats) that will wave from Junethe same as last year, with the Valencian Community being the leading region in number of beaches with ‘Blue Flag’.

In this way, the beaches of Spain, which this year have achieved six ‘Blue Flags’ more than in 2022, maintain the world leadership they achieved in 1994, accumulating 15% of the total awards, and followed by Greece and Türkiye. This year there are 10 new beaches in Spain with this distinction and 22 that recover them in this edition.

As for the marinas, which this year it drops by six, Spain is the third country, behind the Netherlands and France. In 2023, 101 ports have been presented (four less than last year), due to the carrying out of works that make it impossible to grant the prize.

The presence of Spanish municipalities in the ‘Blue Flag’ program in 2023 has increased by two, up to 250 municipalities, which have presented 689 beaches as candidates for recognition (three less than last year). 91% of the candidate beaches have achieved the ‘Blue Flag’.

The Valencian Community continues to lead the number of ‘Blue Flags’ in Spain, with 153, followed by Andalusia, with 148 ‘Blue Flags’, Galicia, with 125 badges, and Catalonia, with 120.

He rest of communities according to the number of ‘Blue Flags’ awarded are: Canary Islands (60), Balearic Islands (42), Murcia (34), Asturias (15), Cantabria (11), Extremadura (10), Basque Country (4), Melilla (4 ), Ceuta (2) and Madrid (1).

At the press conference, the Secretary of State for Tourism, Roxana Morillo, highlighted that the ‘Blue Flag’ program “It is a social phenomenon in many countries and a symbol of international recognition”.

He has also assessed that Spain is the world leader in this matter, present in 47 countries, and that is that our country has led the ranking of beaches and tourist boats since 1994.

special mentions

The Association for Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC) also grants ‘Special Mentions’ to three Blue Flag municipalities that make greater efforts in relation to environmental educationlifeguard services and accessibility and care for people with disabilities.

The Jury for the ‘Special Mention for Accessibility and Care for People with Disabilities’ decided to award mentions to Alicante (Alicante), Gandía (Valencia) and Rota (Cádiz).

The Jury for the ‘Special Mention for Lifeguard Services’ considered awarding Gandía (Valencia), Mijas (Málaga) and Muro (Baleares). Lastly, the Jury for the ‘Special Mention for Environmental Education’ recognized Arucas (Gran Canaria), Orihuela (Alicante) and vilaseca (Tarragona).
