From suffering in the fitness class

BZ reporter Johannes Malinowski goes to the gym twice a week

BZ reporter Johannes Malinowski goes to the gym twice a week Photo: Christian Lohse

By Johannes Malinowski

Condition? muscles? Lose weight? A little of everything, please!

I try to make it to the gym twice a week. A fat burning course is on the agenda. I’m standing in the last corner in the dark. In front of me a small bench and two dumbbells. My fitness watch is running.

March in place to warm up. Up on the bench and down. Jumping jacks, something with clapping in between. Always to the beat of terrible music.

Anyone who leads such courses must have a tendency to sadism. Around me: other participants suffering similarly and a few geeks showing off how great they are.

Three quarters of an hour later. My watch reads a heart rate of 116, and I claim I’ve burned 658 calories in total. A pizza has about 800 calories. Hard life.


Fitness Guide: Fitness and Beauty Topic of the Month
