Traffic fines up another ten percent next year: “I’m allowed it!”

Traffic fines already went up by 8.6 percent this year due to an inflation correction, next year there will be another ten percent increase. The government hopes to raise more money in this way to partially close the gap in the budget.

Traffic fines will increase another ten percent next year – NH News

Traffic consultant Sander Korver has reservations about the state’s plan. “If it is purely to rake in money, then that is of course the wrong motivation,” says Korver. “I think enforcement, and the resulting fines, should never be used to earn money quickly. I understand that it can feel that way for road users.”

“If you’re not paying attention, you’re going to miss out”

bus driver over the speed camera on the N201 in the direction of Hilversum

One traffic point that is favorably disposed towards the government and generates structural funding is the speed camera on the N201 in the direction of Hilversum. Where a maximum speed of eighty kilometers per hour applies everywhere on this provincial road, there is one part where you are only allowed sixty. The treacherous thing is that it is precisely on that part that the road changes from one to two lanes and you are soon tempted to pass that slow predecessor. “It’s an instinct,” agrees a lady from the neighborhood who washes her car at the local pump. “If you don’t pay attention, you will miss out”, a driver of a small bus also knows. “It happened to me once.”

Enforcement works

Nevertheless, a small survey shows that there is also understanding for an increase in traffic fines. “It’s okay with me!” said the bus driver. “In fact, I think that some fines should be increased considerably. For example, for illegal parking in a disabled spot.” According to traffic consultant Korver, road safety should be central. “You want to change behavior to make a traffic safer situation. And you use enforcement where other means don’t help. In general, where you enforce, people start to behave better.”
