LIVE: Follow here who will become champion in the first provincial of football

LIVE: Follow here who will become champion in the first provincial of football

The virtual mode:

  1. Wevelgem (65 points)
  2. Blankenberge (64 points)
  3. Lukewarm (64 points)
  4. Boezinge (64 points)

Both games kicked off at 3 p.m.

Wevelgem – Boezinge: 0 – 1

Blankenberge – Lukewarm: 2 – 1

Different scenarios

Two teams still have a chance to win the title, two teams can still promote. So there are a lot of scenarios on the table for the promotion and the title to third amateur. As the leader, Wevelgem has the best cards to take the title. If it does better than Lukewarm, it takes the title. However, Wevelgem does not have a third amateur license, so the club will not rise to the national division. Blankenberge, the third in the position, and Lauwe, the second, do have them. And they play against each other to go to third amateur. Blankenberge rises when it beats Lauwe at home.

LIVE Wevelgem – Boezinge:

  • After less than 10 minutes there is already the first chance in Wevelgem – Boezinge. Kevin Chateau tries spectacularly. Boezinge’s number 9 unpacks with a turn, but the leather explodes on the crossbar. So it still remains 0-0.
  • After Boezinge, Wevelgem also gets an excellent chance! Dieter Meulenyzer may try from a free kick. The attacker blasts too boldly and misses.
  • Deman saves well on the hard shot of Timmerman (Boezinge).
  • We rest at a 0-0 score.
  • The second half has kicked off.
  • After a long wait, there is the first big chance of the second half. It’s one for the home team. Goalkeeper Vanbrabandt saves and keeps the nets clean for the time being.
  • The opening goal is a fact! Substitute Mahieu Vlieghe pushes the ball against the ropes.
  • The referee whistles, Boezinge wins on the field of the virtual champion Wevelgem.

LIVE Blankenberge – Lukewarm:

  • Blankenberge ahead! Vanhaecke crosses towards Van De Water, who heads the opening goal against the nets. Blankenberge leads 1-0 against Lauwe.
  • It was a long wait, but there is Luke. Couckuyt lashes out, but encounters Skverer.
  • Not much later, Lauwe is there again. Znagui with the shot. Actually a save from the line of a Blankenberg defender.
  • Lukewarm continues to insist, just before the break Couckuyt goes alone on goal. The attacker aims for the post and is then knocked down, penalty! Lennert Vansteenkiste did not hesitate and scored from the spot, 1-1.
  • We go into the dressing rooms with a 1-1 halftime score.
  • The second half has kicked off.
  • Desloovere is sent deep towards Skverer van Blankenberge. The latter saves and so it remains the same.
  • Luke pushes on. Couckuyt hits Desloovere’s cross. Again the Blankenberge goalkeeper is excellent.
  • Blankenberge has a much more difficult time after the break.
  • After Lauwe in the first half, Blankenberge now also receives a penalty. Longueville does not fail and converts the eleven meter. Blankenberge again leads 2-1.
  • The party has also ended in Blankenberge in the meantime. The home team wins and jumps over Lauwe to second place.

Setup Wevelgem

Base: Deman, Allard, Lapeire, tanghe, D. Meulenyzer, Masselis, Vanheste, Roose, Dejonghe, M. Meulenyzer, Hafidh

Bank: Halleumieux, Vanhuylebrouck, Vercaemere, Masselis

Setup Boezinge

Base: Vanbrabandt, Desmet, Van Roose, Chateau, Laevens, Zmimer, Deceuninck, Blancke, Boone, Brogniez, Timmerman

Bank: Delva, Vandermarliere, Vlieghe, Aunt

Setup Blankenberge

Base: Skverer, Cardoso, Van De Water, vanhaecke, Kékessy, Savaete, Vandewalle, Longueville, Van Neck, Lingier, Belpaire

Bank: Longueville, Stroo, Van Paemel, Neu

Setup Lukewarm

Base: Degrande, Lievrouw, Leyder, Rooze, Bara, Desloovere, Znagui, Vansteenkiste, Bostyn, Couckuyt, Callewaert

Bank: Altruy, Lecour, Tajeddine, Vansteenkiste
