Car hits tree! 15-year-old dead, mother seriously injured

An accident site is cordoned off with police tape (symbol photo)

An accident site is cordoned off with police tape (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / photo booth

From BZ/dpa

A 15-year-old teenager died in a traffic accident on the B102. His 41-year-old mother, who was driving the car, was seriously injured.

According to a police spokesman, another child of the driver was in the car that crashed into a tree between Pritzerbe (Potsdam-Mittelmark district) and Döberitz (Havelland district) on Saturday evening. The 14-year-old boy was slightly injured.

The driver was trapped in the car and was freed by firefighters.

It was initially unclear whether the two children were also trapped. According to the police, an accident expert was called in to determine the cause of the accident.


Car accident Police Brandenburg traffic accident
