Green Yellow loses star player and child of the club Terrenc Griemink

A big loss for Green Yellow. The korfball club from Wormer sees Terrenc Griemink leave for LDODK. Griemink was the only korfball international to be admired in the Groen Geel hall.

“The feeling at LDODK is very good,” says Griemink on the website of the club from Gorredijk. “After four years of competing for ninth place in the korfball league, I’m going after my sporting ambitions. I want to develop myself and play for the national title.”

Grielink entered Groen Geel at the age of four. He then played 22 years with the korfball players from Wormer, who recently barely maintained themselves in the Korfball League. The play-down matches with Dalto were won, meaning that Groen Geel will also play at the highest level next season.


Green Yellow loses the necessary players. Lisanne de Bruin and Fenna Jagtman previously announced that they would leave the Zaankanters. De Bruin stops playing korfball and goes to work abroad. Jagtman will return to TOP from Sassenheim.
