SPD wants Germany’s access to space with its own rockets

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The SPD parliamentary group advocates Germany’s independent access to space with its own rockets and satellites. This emerges from a position paper that the parliamentary group decided on Tuesday in Berlin. It explicitly mentions “own launch capacities and sites, as well as own carrier rockets and satellites”. “Without space infrastructure, life in a modern and networked industrial nation is not possible,” says the paper, which was first reported by the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

From the perspective of the SPD, space is gaining in importance in various areas: “Climate protection, telecommunications, mobility, research, agriculture, energy supply and security policy – without space infrastructure, all of this would come to a standstill.” German policy must therefore be strategically repositioned in this area. The federal government should recognize sovereign space infrastructure as critical infrastructure.

The initiative to create a mobile launch platform in the German North Sea is also welcomed./tam/DP/zb
