Even more ‘critical’ cracks in lighthouse Lange Jaap, new inspection shows

Lighthouse Lange Jaap in Huisduinen has been further damaged. This is evident from a research report by Rijkswaterstaat. Three cracks have appeared and some of the existing cracks have grown. The damage is described in the report as ‘critical’.

Growth was observed in eight cracks and three new cracks appeared. Furthermore, 22 cracks have been classified as ‘critical’. The report was shared with the House of Representatives at the request of Harmen Krul (CDA) MP from Den Helder. The consequences of the growing cracks are still being investigated. ‘Care above the desired speed’, is stated in the letter to the House of Representatives on the subject.

In addition to the growth of cracks, moisture and corrosion have also been observed. The moisture has entered through the cracks: there is no further leakage.

The increased damage has no direct influence on the investigation, Eijkels writes: “The lighthouse is still accessible for further investigation and the area is cordoned off as a precaution in case of wind force 9 or higher.”

Rijkswaterstaat hopes to have insight into the future of the Lange Jaap by the end of this year, says Eijkels.
