Kelly from Brabant came to Zoetermeer for love: ‘The first date went completely wrong’

All her life Kelly dreamed of a beautiful wedding with all the trimmings. She meets a nice guy through Tinder, but the first date doesn’t really go as expected!

Eight years ago Kelly, originally from Brabant, is browsing Tinder when she meets Michiel. The two strike up a conversation and before they know it, they’re chatting all day long. ”It was about anything and everything: our hobbies and interests, but also what we were doing and how our day went. In no time we were talking all day long,” Kelly recalls. At that time she lived in Vlaardingen, which is of course not far away from Zoetermeer. A first appointment is therefore quickly scheduled!

Tears on the first date

The online click was fantastic, how would that go in real life? Kelly: “Of course I was a bit nervous… It’s strange to meet someone in real life for the first time, when you feel like you already know each other well.” Kelly and Michiel’s first date also did not go as planned at all. ”Michiel had planned a date at a climbing forest, because he wanted to do something special. Only I’m very afraid of heights,” says Kelly with a laugh. The first date immediately becomes a very intense one, because while climbing Kelly panics so much that tears well up in her eyes. “Michiel comforted me very sweetly. He actually didn’t like climbing himself. So we quickly left that for what it was and went for a nice walk.”

Living together in Zoetermeer

After only six months, Michiel and Kelly decide to move in together. “I first looked for a job in Zoetermeer. I spent so much time with Michiel that it felt more logical to work here than at home. Once I got the job, Michiel and I officially started living together.” Kelly now feels like a real Zoetermeer and can’t imagine leaving here. “I enjoy living here so much. I think the Dorpsstraat is very cozy, but also the nature and the parks. And the neighborhood where I live, Rokkeveen, is wonderful.” One of the favorite places to visit with Michiel is The Old Blind Mole , because they both love specialty beers so much. “That is one of our regular outings.”

After dinner he suddenly got down on one knee

On one knee

It is therefore not surprising that beer also plays a role in Michiel’s marriage proposal to Kelly. “It was the 13th month, a special day for us, because we met on the thirteenth. In addition, Michiel’s father also died at the age of thirteen, so an important number. Michiel had asked me earlier that day to put a special bottle of beer cold, so I knew he wanted to toast together in the evening. However, it turned out that there was more to it: Michiel suddenly got down on one knee after dinner. Of course I immediately said YES!”

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Image: Private photo

Simple luck

Kelly has found the partner she dreamed about in Michiel. “Michiel is very sweet and he is a very good listener. In addition, he is always very patient with me. Funnily enough, that is not his strong suit on other fronts, but he is always patient with me.” Kelly describes herself and Michiel as true bon vivants. ”We love to travel, our first trip was to Spain. I hadn’t been on holiday for fourteen years at the time, so that was a big party.” But the couple also finds happiness in the little things. Simple luck, as Kelly nicely describes it. ”I really enjoy an evening on the couch with Michiel. Add a chip or a nice movie, and we have a great evening. It quickly becomes fun with Michiel, it doesn’t take much else for that.”

The big wedding

The wedding will be celebrated next year, of course in Zoetermeer, which is loved by both of them. “My family still lives in Brabant, but they will of course come here.” And what will the day look like? “Of course I don’t want to reveal too much about that yet, but it will be a nice day with all the trimmings.” One thing is certain… Despite her fear of heights, Kelly is over the moon!

Who is the next Zoetermeer of the week?

Do you also have a special story? Or do you know a Zoetermeer that we really need to interview? Let us know at [email protected]. These Zoetermeers preceded you.
