8 x Zoetermeer single-family homes that are just up for sale

Funda is full of cool, Zoetermeer single-family homes and apartments. In the past week, the range has been expanded again with a few beautiful homes in the neighborhoods of Buytenwegh, Oosterheem, Seghwaert and more. Is there something for you? React fast!

John Sousarode (Buytenwegh)

A beautiful family home with a veranda and a nice backyard in the Buytenwegh district. This house is also sustainable: there are eight solar panels on the roof. Let the sun come!

Vaartdreef (Seghwaert)

This single-family home in the Seghwaert district has three bedrooms and a nice backyard. A conservatory has been built off the living room so that you have a beautiful view outside. The house is close to the Seghwaertpark: great for a walk or round with the dog.

Waarderstraat (Oosterheem)

A large single-family home is for sale in the Waarderstraat in Oosterheem. Here you live in a courtyard where children can play safely. You reach your two private parking spaces through the backyard (with palm trees!)

From Boisotring (Palenstein)

This terraced house is almost energy neutral because of the 18 solar panels and the heat pump. There are five bedrooms and a nice backyard. There are two private parking spaces at the front of the house.

Aida chimney (Leyens)

This looks like a holiday home in Ibiza! In this corner house on the water, all kinds of corners and rooms have been created, giving you a very playful layout. The wood, the interior and the color white make it look like a beach house on a sunny island.

Goat pasture (Seghwaert)

This four bedroom single family home is vacant and in need of modernisation. Count on a new floor, kitchen, bathroom, paint, wallpaper and some new plants for the sunny backyard.

Salome chimney (Leyens)

Four bedrooms, an attic, a large garage, balcony and green backyard are some features of this spacious single-family home near the Stadshart.

Plum orchard (Seghwaert)

Not much needs to be done to this single-family home. The inside is perfectly maintained so you could move right in. An ideal house for a family with enough bedrooms, a second floor, balcony and green backyard on the water. There is an open house on Saturday 6 May.
