The island of the famous 2023, advances second episode: who comes out

TOll’Island of the famous 2023 – on air tonight at 21.45 on Channel 5 with the second installment – tempers are already overheated by quarrels and clashes, which began on the first day in Cayo Palomas. Was anything different to be expected?

The island of the famous 2023second episode

He takes care of showing the squabbles of the week Lary Blasiwith Vladimir Luxuria and Enrico Papi. Let’s start with the one between Helena Prestes and Simone Antolini, born from the division of rice. The second sees involved Alessandro Cecchi Paone e Nathaly Caldonazzodueling over how to calm down Corinne Cléry from a pink boa appeared on the beach.

Cecchi Paone advises her to sleep near the shore, while Nathaly is against it, and the two go to battle: Alessandro calls her a fishmonger, Nathaly calls him a misogynist, and the discussion heats up more and more.

The first punishment is for the Paired Tribe

the cast ofIsland of the famous 2023 it is divided into three groups: Tribe of the Accoppiados, Tribe of the Hombres and Chicas. The first group to receive one punishment they were the Coupled. Because in lighting the fire, Fabio Ricci of Jalisse he was helped not only by Marco Mazzoli and Paolo Noise, but also by Chicas Claudia Motta and Pamela Camassa.

A collaboration prohibited by the regulation, and therefore the cause of a provision, which fell on the whole group. The Accoppiados thus had to immediately put out the fire.

Cristina Scuccia, in the cast of the “Island of the Famous 2023”. (IPA)

Marco Predolin and Helena Prestes, the first competitors in the nomination

In addition to the week’s recap and the immunity-awarding tests, in tonight’s episode there is also room for nominations, old and new. THE competitors who risk elimination are Marco Predolin and Helena Prestesnominated by his teammates at the end of the last episode.

Up until now, it was the two who showed off the most Helena. He marked his territory, demonstrating that he has character and knows how to play with cunning. There was no shortage of ups and downs, like the misunderstanding with Claudia Motta, annoyed by the nomination, fortunately resolved with a long hug.

Marco Predolin in nomination with Helena Prestes in the second episode. (IPA)

Marco Predolin, on the other hand, didn’t take it well. He bears a grudge against those who nominated him «without knowing who they are, why didn’t I speak to you, why didn’t I do some ballet, why didn’t I call you love,” he confesses to the cameras.

Then he adds: «I am perfectly with my head in the game. I am aware that during the week people watch daytime and see what they are like. I’ve never had a spatI haven’t had a falling out with anyone. This is all in my favor, in the sense that maybe I’m not really the person to eliminate right now», he concludes.

Helena, from Beijing Express to The island of the famous 2023

On paper, Predolin’s reasoning is flawless, but the reality is different. Usually in reality shows competitors and the public reward those who exhibit themselveswho argues, even fiercely and even if he then retraces his steps and apologizes.

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Helena Prestes is a tough nut to crack and she’s already proved it a Beijing Express 2022where she finished fourth with Nikita Pelizon, winner of Big brother 2023. It will reach the bottom ofIsland of the famous 2023 or will she be forced to abandon Cayo Cochinos?

