Elections 28-M | This is how the polls are for the elections in the Canary Islands 2023

04/24/2023 at 11:27


PSOE and PP are fighting to achieve a majority in the autonomous communities that allows them to maintain or reach the regional Executive through agreements that could involve various political forces

The next May 28 Autonomous elections are held in 12 of the 17 autonomous communities of Spain, in addition to municipal elections in the 8,135 towns throughout the country. This appointment with the polls, double in some cases, will be the first of a 2023 that will culminate in the calling of general elections in autumn. For this reason, the regional and municipal verdict of 28-M will have a great impact and relevance in the national political boardbut in this background competition several much more complex territorial battles will overlap.

In the Canary Islands, PSOE and PP are fighting to achieve a majority in the autonomous communities that allows them to maintain or reach the regional Executive through agreements that could involve various political forces. The current president, the socialist Angel Victor Torreshas governed for the last four years with the support of new canariesUnited We Can and the Gomera Socialist Group. A majority that was supported by a single seat and that left in opposition, for the first time since 1993, Canarian Coalition, in addition to the PP. Precisely, these last two formations are now fighting for the second position to have options to forge an alternative majority.

In this context, the surveys predict a newly adjusted scenario in the Parliament of the Canary Islands, which would face another legislature marked by fragmentation and the need for cross-cutting pacts. This is the average vote estimate of all the polls published on the regional elections in the Canary Islands.

On the other hand, the following graph shows the moving average of the last five days in which surveys have been published.

And in the following search engine you can consult the results of all the surveys that are being published.

The Parliament of the Canary Islands consists of 70 deputiesso the absolute majority is fixed at 36 seats. In 2019, the PSOE won the elections with 25 parliamentarians; Canarian Coalition obtained 20; the PP 11; New Canaries 5; we can 4; Gomera Socialist Group 2; and Citizens 2.
