Speculation about Aaf and Marc-Marie’s split: ‘Was she fed up with him?’

The sudden break-up of the podcast duo Marc-Marie Huijbregts and Aaf Brandt Corstius has led to speculation. Is there more going on here? “Maybe she was tired of his dominance.”


Marc-Marie Huijbregts and Aaf Brandt Corstius have said goodbye as a podcast duo completely unexpectedly. Their fans couldn’t believe what they heard in yesterday’s episode: the two are quitting immediately because of a ‘Nick & Simon-esque story’. “At a certain point you think: what else is there in the world?”

Shit on marble?

Where Marc-Marie just continues with the podcast, but with Isa Hoes opposite him, Aaf gets a new podcast with Lies Visschedijk. They are in the last episode barely touched upon the breakup of their duo. Did they get upset about something, just like last summer? Or are their personalities too far apart?

VPRO star Tim den Besten expresses the suspicion that shit is wrong. “I think they actually didn’t feel like making the last episode anymore, really loveless and rushed. Sad. Marc-Marie continues with Isa Hoes? Do any of my spies know what’s going on? There’s a smell to it,” he writes Insta.

Spies from Tim

Tim’s spies also think there is more going on. “Haha so painful with video!! Has something really bad happened? And the other: “I thought so too awkward. Very curious about the juice.”

It’s ‘so weird’, continues Tim. A spy to that: “Yes. Also ‘time for something new’, and then just continue with the same.”

Another follower: “They talk to each other as if they just had a really bad fight and then suddenly had to go on the air. I just feel a lot of tension. And cold. Very cold.”


Tim does not exclude that Marc-Marie’s dominance has something to do with this. “What has always struck me is that Marc-Marie is a bit dominant and mainly wants to talk for himself and doesn’t really listen to Aaf. Aaf sometimes says the funniest things and then he doesn’t respond at all. Maybe Aaf thought: this far and no further?”

Their latest podcast is just super awkward, Tim concludes. “I wonder if they thought: we’ll just do the podcast again as always, no one will notice anything and then that’s just the last one and no one will ask any further questions about it.”


There are also speculations on Twitter about the breakup of Marc-Marie and Aaf:
