Luhukay: “If VVV-Venlo hadn’t come, I would have quit already”

Coach has career end in mind

Former Bundesliga coach Jos Luhukay plans to end his coaching career soon. After his involvement with VVV-Venlo in the second Dutch division, the 58-year-old does not want to take on another club. “I’m not going anywhere after that, it’s my last job,” Luhukay, who has been in office since March 2021, told the newspaper “De Limburger”.

The UEFA Pro license holder’s contract runs until June 2023. Last year he was unable to prevent VVV-Venlo’s relegation from the Eredivisie. Direct resurgence is unlikely as they are currently tenth in the table this season, but at least not impossible. The return to the upper house should be successful by next year at the latest. But then Luhukay would no longer be on the sidelines.

Luhukay & Co.: Dutch coaches with the most Bundesliga games

10. Fred Rutten – 25 games in the Bundesliga – 1 season – 1.48 PPS

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9. Alfred Schreuder – 30 games in the Bundesliga – 1 season – 1.43 PPS

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8. Martin Jol – 34 games in Bundesliga – 1 season – 1.79 PPS

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7. Louis van Gaal – 63 games in Bundesliga – 2 seasons – 1.94 PPS

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6. Peter Bosz – 92 games in Bundesliga – 4 seasons – 1.73 PPS

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5. Bert van Marwijk – 100 games in Bundesliga – 4 seasons – 1.35 PPS

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4. Jos Luhukay – 110 games in Bundesliga – 6 seasons – 1.00 PPS

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3. Rinus Michels – 112 games in Bundesliga – 5 seasons – 1.56 PPS

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2. Arie Haan -127 games in the Bundesliga – 4 seasons – 1.49 PPS

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1. Huub Stevens – 387 games in Bundesliga – 17 seasons – 1.47 PPS

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“I’m not going to continue until I’m 75. If VVV hadn’t come, I probably would have stopped by now,” said the trainer. If promotion should work, “I will not return to the first division. The day after the ascent is the end for me.” He feels “healthy and fit”, but then wants to take care of other things in life. “Everyone has to decide that for themselves, but I want to take it a little easier after that.”

Luhukay most recently coached FC St. Pauli

Luhukay made 110 appearances as head coach in the Bundesliga and was even responsible for 218 games in the second division. Most recently, he coached FC St. Pauli from April 2019 to June 2020. In the German upper house, only Huub Stevens, Arie Haan and Rinus Michels were more frequently on the sidelines.

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