Short track coach Jeroen Otter awards reserve Rianne de Vries finally Olympic debut after 2014 and 2018 in Beijing | winter games

Rianne de Vries will finally make her debut at the Olympic Games. The 31-year-old short trackster was appointed by national coach Jeroen Otter today as the third Orange driver for the 1500 meters, which is scheduled for Wednesday in Beijing.

De Vries is already there for the third time at the Olympic Games, but she did not even play for a minute. She was reserve for the team pursuit in 2014 (Sochi), Pyeongchang (2018) and now in Beijing.

Suzanne Schulting, Selma Poutsma, Xandra Velzeboer and Yara van Kerkhof won the gold medal in the relay in the Capital Indoor Stadium on Sunday. Otter called it the most beautiful medal of his long coaching career.

Van Schulting and Velzeboer were already known to participate in the 1500 meters. One starting spot was still open for the Netherlands. Schulting hopes to win her fourth gold Olympic medal in the 1500 meters.

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