Psoriasis: how the new drug works – iO Donna

THEn Italy more than one million people live with psoriasisa chronic inflammatory disease that has major implications for quality of life of patients, especially for those 500,000 people suffering from the most serious form. Indeed, it is known that, if not treated adequately, the pathology can have a strong emotional impactwhich also translates into a higher risk of depression.

Itching, burning sensation, scaling in plaques, often very visible, are in fact alone some of the symptoms of the disease which, in some cases, can also be associated with a characteristic form of arthritis, psoriatic arthritis.

They have been introduced in recent years innovative drugs, such as biological ones, which have greatly improved the symptoms and consequently the quality of life of people with psoriasis. However, the real turning point seems to have arrived today, with the approval by the European Commission of deucravacitinib. Basically, one small molecule which however has a very high selective capacity and which represents a extremely effective solution to keep the disease under control.

Psoriasis: the new drug

“It’s about a new oral therapyspecifically one small molecule with a mechanism of action capable of inhibiting what are called Tyrosine kinase 2, TYK2one different disease pathways from the usual one» – explains the Doctor Piergiorgio Malagoli, dermatologist and head of the Psocare Unit at the IRCCS Policlinico San Donato.

The molecule is therefore capable of inhibit the transmission of the inflammatory signal within the cellsblocking the development of the in the bud psoriatic plaque, or the characteristic skin lesions.

Psoriasis: what are the advantages of the new oral therapy

THE advantages offered by the use of deucravacitinib They are different…

“First of all it is an oral and not an injection therapy like most of the therapies available to date for psoriasis – specifies Dr. Malagoli – Not only that, compared to biological drugs, the target of patients is also different. Indeed, with small molecules we can treat even moderate forms of psoriasisthose forms that are not extended but perhaps present in critical locations. Not to mention that the modality of oral therapy, in the formula of one tablet per day, greatly increases the patient’s adherence to therapy».

To whom it can be prescribed

Unlike biologics, so the new deucravacitinib may be prescribed not only for those suffering from severe psoriasis…

«Ideally we say yes, that’s the goal – confirms the expert. – We must of course consider that there are many patients suffering from moderate forms and the drugs still require a high expense».

How long does it take for results to be noticed?

An effective therapy that seems to guarantee among other things excellent results even in a short time.

«The first results are obtained as early as the fourth week – explains Dr. Malagoli. – But let’s say that from week 16 an improvement is obtained which entails, in almost 40% of patients, a 90% skin cleansing. We are really talking about excellent results in an extremely short time».

It will also work for psoriatic arthritis

We also know that in about 30% of patients psoriasis can also affect the joints, giving rise to what is now known as psoriatic arthritis. Well: the new drug seems to give encouraging results on this front as well.

“The drug has some studies still open regarding psoriatic arthritis – explains Dr. Malagoli again. – But its innovative mechanism of action it is giving very good results in psoriatic arthritis studies: so we think it’s a drug that it will fit very well, especially considering that patients who suffer from psoriatic arthritis are those who have psoriasis in a moderate form and often in critical sites».

The security

Another very important aspect pertains to safety and tolerability.

“The drug it has given excellent results also from the point of view of safety which is one of the most important aspects considering that it is a drug that patients suffering from psoriasis will have to take for life – explains the expert. – Registration studies have shown events that we can coincide with the placebo. And that says it all.”

Treating yourself well is the first therapy.  And the immune system thanks you

Psoriasis: when will the new drug be available?

Finally, the question that many are asking. As regards the timingafter approval by the European Commission, how long will we have to wait because the drug is actually available in Italy?

«To date it has been approved by the EMA and this makes it automatically available in all European countries – concludes Dr. Malagoli. – In Italy we have to wait for the approval from AIFAan important step, also to ensure that theapproval of the drug best reflects the specificities of the Italian catchment area. I still think that in the first months of 2024 the drug will also be reimbursable on the Italian market».

