The National Court responds to the European Parliament that Puigdemont has no open cases

The National Court has responded to the European Parliament, through the General Council of the Judiciary, that does not have open no cause against the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, legal sources informed EL PERIÓDICO DE CATALUNYA.

The Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament He went to the court specializing in terrorist and economic crimes of great repercussion to inquire as to whether the MEP had any case open that would conflict with the immunity conferred by the position. He made it from a request from Puigdemont himself in defense of his immunityafter reading information from a couple of years ago that he was being investigated.

The president of the commission, the Spanish Adrian Vazquez, he then went to the National Court, but the letter must have been lost and he never received a response. Hence, he reiterated it a few weeks ago with the presidency of the Madrid-based court, exercised by Jose Ramon Navarro, as recipient.

The sources consulted indicate that the president, after carrying out the pertinent verification efforts, sent his response to the European Parliament through the governing body of the judges, because direct communication between the Chambers and the courts is not provided for in the legislation.

Another cause, impossible

The answer was easily predictable because it is impossible that in the National Court there would be any procedure against Puigdemont Because due to his status as a taxpayer, he could only be investigated and tried by the Supreme Court, which is the court by which he is prosecuted for disobedience and embezzlement for his responsibility in 1-O.

In addition, unlike that one, the new cause would have been opened after he acquired his status as an MEP, which would have forced send the corresponding petition to the European Parliament once it was verified that the investigation was directed against him.

However, in order not to stop making any verification, the Central Investigating Court number 6 was asked, in which procedures related to the ‘procés’ are still being investigated: Tsunami Democràtic, which is still under secrecy, and another related to the Defense Committees of the Republic (CDR), whose investigation has already been concluded by the judge Manuel Garcia-Castellon. The answer was negative, because if he found evidence against a member of the European Parliament, the magistrate would have to have sent a reasoned statement to the Supreme Court so that it could decide whether or not to open the investigation.

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The recognition of their immunity is the main Puigdemont’s concern to be able to return to Spain. He is waiting for the response of the General Court of the European Union to the lawsuit that he filed against the European Parliament itself for, in his opinion, not having sufficiently defended it as granted the request made by Judge Pablo Llarena to issue a Eurowarrant against him.

The former Catalan president claims that this privilege also protects him in Spain and the magistrate maintains that it does not. Hence, a national arrest warrant is in force, the same one that was activated when the ‘former minister’ and MEP Clara Ponsati appeared in Barcelona without making himself available to the Supreme Court.
