RBB legal fees rise to almost EUR 2 million

By Michael Sauerbier

The clarification of the RBB scandal is becoming more and more expensive. The broadcaster has now paid 1.9 million euros to five law firms. A warning strike forced an emergency program on Thursday.

No “ARD-Mittagsmagazin”, no “Abendschau”, no “Brandenburg Aktuell”. Only music, no moderation on the RBB radio waves – there were no reports from the region on the Inforadio either. The reporters went on strike for more pay.

On the other hand, station boss Katrin Vernau (49) made news. She told the horrified RBB broadcaster Thursday evening that the legal fees for investigating the pomp and showmanship affair are approaching the 2 million mark. Paid by our compulsory fees.

The large law firm Lutz/Abel collected 1.277 million euros alone. By the end of December last year she wanted to be finished with the examination of invoices, documents and statements. Now it will take until June, admitted Vernau.

But the price should pay off: “After thorough research, we are well positioned for claims against ex-director Patricia Schlesinger,” said RBB chief supervisor Dorette König.

A new board of directors was elected in Babelsberg on Thursday evening. The seven members are supposed to control the scandal broadcaster until 2027, decide on executive contracts, expenses and construction projects.

Intendant Vernau has already saved a good one million euros a year with the RBB managers. Their number is almost halved from 31 to 17, and bonus payments are cancelled. Instead of a lifetime pension, there are only a few months of transitional benefit after the end of the contract.

Nevertheless, the broadcasting fee for ARD and ZDF should increase by a good one euro from 2025. Not just for RBB viewers. Vernau warns: “If the broadcasting fee remains stable, our budget will shrink by 36 percent by 2028!”
