“In the end love always triumphs”

04/20/2023 at 20:15


He has done it through an Instagram post, where he has also had a few words for his son

Ana Sandra, her granddaughter, was born by surrogacy

This Thursday a month ago the birth of Ana Sandra, the granddaughter of Ana Obregon who came into this world by surrogacy. The actress did not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate the first month of the baby’s life. Since the news broke, Obregón has not stopped being in the news almost every day, something that she has lived while in Miami, where he lives with his granddaughter waiting to return to Spain.

The little girl came into this world on March 20 by surrogacyafter Ana Obregón had fulfilled the dream of her son, Aless Lequio, before dying: “Mom, dad… If something happens to me, remember the sample I left in the New York lab. I want to have children, even if I’m gone…”With this revealing phrase, the actress’s son confirmed to his parents his dream of becoming a father even if he was not there.

The biologist has been seen through social networks, where she has shared aA very tender image with the little one. In addition, he has taken the opportunity to address all those who have questioned him for his recent actions. “In the end love always triumphs. Happy birthday Anita. From some distant star your dad hugs you“He has written for his more than a million followers on Instagram and making it clear that nothing and no one is going to tarnish his happiness.

In addition to what has already been mentioned, Ana Obregón took advantage of the occasion to make a brief comment on ‘The boy with the shrews’, Aless’s book that went on sale on April 19: “Congratulations my Aless. Our book is inspiring many people. Above all your example of life and love”he affirmed, despite having had to postpone the presentation of the book itself for compelling reasons.
