Message to the Dutch in Sudan | News item

News item | 16-04-2023 | 14:03

Message to the Dutch in Sudan, sent with the information service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dear Dutch people in Sudan,

Hope you had a good night! We are going through a tough and uncertain time in Sudan. Today the fighting has flared up again. In Khartoum, fighting takes place with light and heavy weapons.
The air force has also been deployed again against the RSF targets.

Much is still unclear about the situation. Both the army and the RSF claim control over a number of strategic sites in Khartoum and elsewhere in the country.
The Dutch embassy cannot yet confirm these reports. Doctors’ organizations in Sudan report that dozens have been killed and hundreds injured.

The international community has called on the warring parties to stop their enemy attacks (our minister Hoekstra, the EU, the UN and countries such as the US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Russia and China).

UN Secretary-General Guterres spoke with leaders of the warring factions last night. In addition, the Sudanese army command has stated that no negotiation or dialogue with the RSF will take place until the RSF is dissolved.

Travel advice

Yesterday the travel advice for Sudan was changed to color code red for the entire country. We strongly advise you to stay indoors in a safe place for the time being. Don’t go out on the street! Not even for shopping, for example. The situation is very unsafe and unpredictable.
We do not know how long this unsafe situation will last. Take into account a longer stay indoors. Therefore, make an inventory of your food supply and other necessary resources. Be sparing with this.

You cannot leave the country. The airport is still closed.

The embassy in Sudan will keep in touch with you and the other Dutch nationals in Sudan. According to our information, you are staying in a safe place. We are happy to keep you informed about the security situation via the WhatsApp group. Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.

We would like to repeat the call to keep your loved ones, family and/or friends informed about how you are doing. Also let us know that there is a chance that telephone and internet traffic may fail and you will then no longer be able to make contact.

We also call on you to register ‘extensively’ via the Information Service of Foreign Affairs (choose option ‘Apply + registration at embassy’). This way we keep you informed of the latest developments and we know that you are in Sudan and where you are staying in Sudan. We can then help you better if necessary.

Have you previously registered for Sudan and are you not in Sudan? Deregister via the Foreign Affairs Information Service.

Do you know Dutch people (including Sudanese Dutch people) who may not have registered yet? Please encourage them to do so. We are doing everything we can to assist the Dutch in Sudan as well as possible.

Take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Together we will get through this intense period as best as possible.

The Dutch Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan
