Gender equality is worth 268 billion

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

cIt will take 132 years before the gender gap around the world can be closed. AND Italy is in 63rd place for the disparity between men and women, after Uganda and Zambia.

We even go down to the 114th place in the world in terms of women’s participation in the workplace. A sentence, an abyss that struck me greatly.

The lawyer and jurist Andrea Catizone reported itan expert on inclusion, human rights and sustainability who wrote about it together with the manager Stephen Cuzzilla in the book She leadsshe commands.

What to do to improve? The idea that Andrea (perfect name for equality!) and Stefano had had is already an indication: to look forward to the future of the female economy, we need to do it together. On the contrary, we should create a permanent alliance between the genders, to get Italy going again.

data in hand, if women bridged the gap from men, our GDP would have an increase of 268 billion: more than 18 percent. Equality is not just a moral or legal issue; it is also a goal for growth, flexibility, cultural innovation.

“She leads” by Andrea Catizone and Stefano Cuzzilla

But there is also good news: around the world, companies founded by women are growing, almost doubling. And in many countries, managerial careers have reached more than 40 percent of women. The gap is closing.

In Italy the Constitution is very explicit, at various points, on equal wages, social initiatives, education. A ministry for Equal Opportunities has been created, many laws have been made to encourage its affirmation.

But gender stereotypes have not yet been defeated. First of all: men at work, women at home with their children; this is how 40 percent think not only of Italians, but of Europeans. The title chosen by the lawyer Catizone for the book is not yet a fact, but it could be an omen: she She leads. She empowers women.

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