Residents of AZC Echt do not always feel safe | 1Limburg

Some residents of the asylum seekers’ center in Echt do not always feel safe. They tell that in conversation with L1.

Life in an asylum seekers center is stressful. Lots of people together, who have often experienced intense things and are uncertain about the future.

Recently there have been incidents in several places. Such as the resident of the asylum seekers’ center in Sweikhuizen who recently seriously injured two employees by throwing hot oil over them. And last April there was an incident in the AZC in Echt: a resident stabbed seven others there with a knife.

As a result, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) has taken all kinds of measures to improve safety. However, several residents of the AZC in Echt do not feel completely safe.

Also read: Suspected stabbing azc Echt: ‘Wasn’t myself’

stabbing incident
Last year’s stabbing has left Khadija Omayer quite concerned. “I’ve been scared ever since. It reminds me of Syria, of all that blood.” Other residents also do not always feel safe.

For example, fights break out about two to three times a week, says resident Abdo Mustafa. According to him, instigators are often men from ‘safe countries’ who have no chance of asylum. The often tense atmosphere is caused by the fact that many residents often have nothing to do.


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