Rocco Schiavone 5, the previews of the third episode

Stsecond weekly appointment with Rocco Schiavone. Tonight at 21.20 on Rai 2 do not miss the third episode of the fifth season of the series based on the novels of Antonio Manzini. That the times are so close from one episode to another, in this case, plays in favor of the development of the narrative: in fact, tonight’s episode is connected to the second.

Slave failed to solve the case of the murder of the professor Martinet. The deputy commissioner of Aosta is in crisis: «Now I’m not even able to be a policeman? – He wonders, – it’s the only thing I have left ». The policeman was convinced that the son Gianluca was the murderer of the mother and instead it has nothing to do with it, there is much more under that murder. Rocco has to start all over again.

Rocco Schiavone 5: previews of the third episode

Gianluca he went to see the mother and found the woman’s lifeless body lying down. His first reaction was not to call the police, but to take five books and run. Rocco Schiavone (Yellows) he was convinced that he had killed Professor Martinet. Instead, he is just an infamous thief. In this third episode, the deputy commissioner of Aosta takes over the reins of the case and starts investigating from scratch: behind that murder there is much more.

Marco Giallini: films, series, success and private life

Wool was found under the victim’s fingernails. Probably before death there was a scuffle with someone. But with whom? Certainly not with Gianluca. Schiavone gets back on track. To help him as always there is his team and also the journalist Sandra Buccellato (Valeria Solarino), which finds important clues about the scholar of Leonardo da Vinci and its publications. A new track emerges from the victim’s academic background which this time will lead to solving the case.

Rocco gets closer to Sandra. Deruta is in love

Rocco resumes the investigation despite the mistakes made. There is also to help him Sandra. The two are reunited and find a balance of their ownmade of work and sarcasm. Speaking of love, there is also the agent Michael Deruta (Massimiliano Caprara) in full swing sentimental crisisbut, unbelievable but true, it will be right Schiavone to give him advice and to push him to find the courage to live the life he so desires.

Valeria Solarino and Marco Giallini. (Rai)

Courage that the assistant commissioner himself should find to shake off the personal matters. As suggested by his wife Marina (Miriam Dalmazio), in an imagined dialogue, at the end of the previous episode: «Rocco you have to learn to let go of the people you love»

The past is still knocking on Rocco Schiavone’s door

There is another matter of concern Slave. The neighbor of Sebastian (Francesco Acquaroli), close friend of Rocco, has heard strange noises coming from the apartment. Brizio (Tullio Sorrentino) e Furious (Mirko Frezza) they rush to their friend’s house and find everything upside down. This is not a robbery, someone was looking for something. But what? And where did Sebastiano go?

“That cuckold is behind it Louis Baiocchi?, asks one of the friends. Baiocchi is the criminal who shot Schiavone’s wife by mistake. His goal was actually to kill the policeman. Rocco he would need to find some peace and instead the past comes back to knock on his door. Will she be able to shrug it off, at least a little bit?

