War of positions | Article by Joaquim Coll on the relationship between Podemos and Sumar

Eight months from the generals, nothing has been decided. Not in the direction of Can (Belarra, Montero and Echenique) have ruled out integrate into Add, even if it is accepting ‘in extremis’ a subordinate position, that is, as one more party within the party conglomerate who will lead Yolanda Diaz. Neither in Sumar have they come to the conclusion that marginalizing Podemos is the best thing for the message of transversality that the vice president wants to embody, because a priori it is difficult to think that with two formations to the left of the PSOE competing in the polls, it will be possible to revalidate in Congress a majority that allows repeating a coalition government.

In the purple formation they reluctantly accept the new situation, They know that the time of Pablo Iglesias and his family is over, but they resist dissolving like a sugar cube. In the first place, in case they have a chance to return, lest PP and Vox obtain an absolute majority and, in this context of extremely harsh confrontation, they could resurrect Podemos. But above all because they want to put a price on their electoral liquidation and value a share of power for them in the next Government.

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The success of Díaz’s presentation ceremony left Podemos isolated and on the defensive. The requirement of primaries as a condition to attend that day is part of the war of positions which will only be resolved after May 28. Curiously, despite the background noise, more agreements have been closed than four years ago between Podemos, Izquierda Unida, Más País, Equo, etc.; that is to say, the confluence map has gained ground.

Together with the Cainite divisions in Madrid, the Canary Islands, Asturias or the Balearic Islands, the fight between Sumar and Podemos contributes to weakening the left. The best example is the Valencian Community, where if the United We Can coalition is left without representation, the socialist Ximo Puig could hardly revalidate the presidency of the Generalitat only with commitment (Díaz allies). The same thing that would happen to Pedro Sanchez if the war of positions between Sumar and Podemos is not reasonably resolved.
