Police communication fails during Paaspop: ‘More problems at festivals’

During Paaspop, the police communication system C2000 did not work again. Officers report this to Omroep Brabant and has been confirmed by the police unions. “This is extremely worrying and very dangerous,” says Maarten Brink on behalf of four trade unions. “I expect a lot of hassle during the whole festival season.”

Throughout Saturday, officers could barely communicate with each other. And that made officers feel unsafe during the festival with 35,000 visitors.

“The sound was tinny and unintelligible,” says Brink. “For an hour there was no communication at all. Agents could not contact each other and the control room.”

“The problems are in many places and that is very serious.”

That is why an extra transmission mast was placed at the festival site in Schijndel on Easter Sunday. But even that did not solve all the problems. The faltering C2000 system causes unsafe situations for police officers, but also for festival visitors.

“Sometimes the police have to pass on medical information during a resuscitation. If the communication system does not work, the patient may be the victim.”

Maarten Brink calls the situation ‘super worrying’. “This is not the first time. The problems are in many places and that is very serious.”

A solution is not easy, the trade unionist knows. “The system has never worked properly. Now we also have to deal with obsolete material. The coverage is not good and inverters of solar panels cause malfunctions.”

“We foresee problems at all festivals.”

There were also problems in mid-March. During an arrest in Bergen op Zoom, agents tried to call for reinforcements, but they were unable to contact the control room. An officer was injured by a punch to the face.

A few days earlier, an agent in Breda was unable to contact the control room. At the beginning of March, the communication system was down during a manhunt for robbers in Rijsbergen. That created a very dangerous situation.

Paaspop is seen as the opener of the festival season. Hundreds more festivals will follow this spring and summer. The problems will also get bigger, Brink thinks. “We expect problems at all festivals. This is not easily resolved.”

Rebirth in Haaren is on the program this weekend. King’s Day is also coming. “Organizations and the security regions must now consider how the system can work without problems. Money should not play a role in this. Safety must come first.” Brink is thinking of extra transmission masts at festivals, so that the coverage is at least good.

“Agents are fed up, angry and disappointed.”

The chief of the East Brabant police has now been approached about the problems during Paaspop. Trade unionist Brink: “He is responsible and must take the complaints to the minister. The police cannot be blamed. The Ministry of Security is responsible for the C2000 system.”

“Agents are fed up with it. They are angry and disappointed that they have been abandoned again. Waiting for new problems. Maybe that’s why there will be actions in the future.”
